Reynisfjara/Black beach

Reynisfjara/Black beach

Reynisfjara/Black beach – 108 km from Dalshöfði Guesthouse
Reynisfjara is some 180 kilometers from Reykjavik (perhaps 2 and half hour drive) and it is an easy drive on the ring road (Highway One). When traveling from Reykjavik you turn on road 215 to get there. It has pitch black sand and lots of pebbles which are great for skipping stones! It has a really nice pyramid shaped cliff of basalt columns called Gardar and a shallow cave with basalt columns that looks really cool. In the sea towards the nearby (and really nice village of Vík) lie the dramatic looking sea stacks called Reynisdrangar. Bird lovers will find a lot of seabirds there such as puffins, fulmars and guillemots.

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